If you’re looking for a new hairstyle that’s fashion-forward, take a look across the Atlantic Ocean to see some of the hairstyles Europe has come up with lately.
In addition to being home to several prominent fashion centers like Paris and Milan, Europe has so many different countries and cultures, making it easy to find new and inventive styles. If you’re interested in a new look that’s crazy and creative, check out these 45 Popular European hairstyles.
Bob Cut
Sometimes, it’s best to go with something that’s short, sweet, and simple. The short bob cut makes things a little easier to manage while still opening the door for some creativity. Even women with long hair are preferring to cut it short so they can go with a bob cut.
Short Pixie
Just about anybody has the kind of hair to turn into a short pixie cut. This is another hairstyle that’s short and to the point, not to mention easy to manage. You may have noticed some Hollywood starlets like Michelle Williams and Anne Hathaway rocking the short pixie recently. It’s definitely a hairstyle that’s trending upwards.
Low Ponytail with Parted Hair
Ponytails never go out of style, in part because you can do just about anything you want with them. Parting your hair in the front but maintaining a long ponytail in the back is turning out to be an interesting combination, especially with the trendy 2024 bangs.
Jasmine Ponytail
Even if you’re not old enough to remember the movie Aladdin, it’s still possible to copy the hairstyle of the Arabian princess in the movie. This style is a little more complicated than the typical ponytail because it involves placing beaded ribbons a few times on the way down.
But the final style looks great and adds great volume to your hair, something that’s hard to do with most ponytails.
Twisted Braids
Another one that’s a little complicated to make happen, but once it’s done it looks fantastic. Any woman with long hair can twist up her braids, and from there, the possibilities are endless, especially if you add trendy hair accessories.
Although, most women choose to just let them hang down in the back like a twisted, braided ponytail.
Braided Updo
Once the braids are in place, the fun begins. A braided updo can be a cool way to replicate a crown on top of your head, making it perfect for any occasion in which you want to feel like a princess. Even if it’s not a special occasion, this is a hairstyle that just plain looks good.
The Beehive
To be fair, this hairstyle looks a little strange and perhaps a little old-fashioned at first glance. But if you give it a chance, you’ll see that it works wonders for both upscale parties and casual days around town. For the sake of people behind you, don’t go to the movies or the theater with this hairstyle, but it’ll look great just about anywhere else.
Messy Updo
Organized chaos may be the best way to describe this European hairstyle. On the surface, it looks messy and casual, as if you’re going out and you don’t care what you look like.
But in reality, everything has been so carefully crafted to look that way. This style is particularly useful if you’re into makeup or jewelry and want to show off your accessories.
Loose Curls
It doesn’t get much more casual than this, but at the same time, when loose curls are done the right way, it doesn’t get much more glamorous than this either. It takes just a few minutes to curl your hair and then just let it fall where it may. It’s a hairstyle that’s simple yet satisfying.
Mid Length Waves
They’re not quite long and not quite short, but mid-length waves are definitely awesome. If you’re somewhere stuck in the middle between long and short, doing waves is a great way to help you stand out.
Shaved Sides
The buzzed cut look is no longer just for boys. It’s more than acceptable for women to start shaving one side of their head, and in a way, it gives them tons of freedom to do whatever they please with the other side. There are tons of creative ideas for a shaved side look, especially when it comes to different designs and colors you can incorporate onto the shaved side. Don’t even pretend you haven’t noticed a few celebrities adopting this look on the red carpet; it’s definitely catching on.
Thick and Wavy
For men with thick hair, make everyone else even more jealous by adding some waves to your look. It may take a little work, but in the end, it’ll look natural. More importantly, it’ll look great and everyone will either want to be you or be with you, an enviable position.
European Slick
You don’t have to be a model or an athlete to have this hair style, although that would help. All you need is a little water and some hair gel to keep your hair slicked back all day. Once it’s set in place, you won’t have to worry about it for the rest of the day, and to most people, it’ll look like you woke up looking like that, which is always a plus.
European Combed Over
Just a couple of strokes with your comb and you’ll be all set to go. This hairstyle is for a man who wants to keep things simple but still look professional and presentable.
European Spiky
This is another great style for men that makes you look like you woke up like that but actually requires a little bit of work. It’ll take some gel to keep your hair spiky all day, but once you get it in place, you won’t be disappointed with how it looks.
The Lob
Okay, so this is just a bob cut for women who don’t want to cut their hair quite so short. That being said, it’s a versatile hairstyle and another useful tool for women stuck in between having short and long hair.
Layered Locks
For many women, long and layered is the way to go. It looks simple enough, but this look enables you to add just a little bit of depth and flair to your hairstyle.
Sleek and Straight
When in doubt, just go sleek and straight. Okay, this could be tough if you have inherently curly hair, but for everyone else, there’s nothing wrong with just straightening everything out and letting your hair fall where it may.
Bed Head Hair
Europeans probably didn’t invent bedhead, not that it needed inventing, but they’ve certainly perfected it. Sometimes messy hair can be your friend because if nothing else, it’s going to stand out. Of course, it’ll take a little bit of work. What did you think, that you can just wake up with perfect bedhead? Come on.
Fringed Hair
The finger look may appear simple, but it’s actually quite complicated. Between the bangs and the framing, this look is difficult to perfect. However, it’s incredibly elegant, which is why it’s quickly growing in popularity worldwide.
No, that’s not. The King Elvis Presley, it’s a hairstyle the Europeans call the Pompadour. There are several variations of it, but in general, you push your hair back and up as much as it’ll go. If you want to create the illusion that you’re a few inches taller than you actually are, this is a sneaky way to pull it off.
This hairstyle is unique in that it can work for both men and women. For women, having short hair is a prerequisite, but it also adds great texture and volume. It’s also just messy enough to give you a casual look, but one that you can pull off just about anywhere.
Taper Fade
The fade has become popular among men from Europe and elsewhere. It creates a great contrast between the top of your head and the side of your head while allowing you the creativity to do creative things with the hair that’s left on top.
Wavy Combover
If you don’t do this right, things can go really wrong. On the other hand, a wavy combover done right can look like pure perfection.
Drop Fade with Messy Spike
This is another men’s hairstyle that can take some work but will be worth it in the end. In a way, a fade and a spike together make for the ultimate contrast. Plus, let’s be honest, this hairstyle just looks cool.
Curly Fringe
The fringe is a great look for women with short to medium length hair, but it takes on a different feel when curly hair is involved. Even women who don’t have naturally curly hair take give themselves some curls to give this look a chance.
Disheveled Brush-Up
As the name implies, this is a messy hairstyle, but one that’s intentionally messy in a fun way. It takes a little work or else it just looks lazy but done right this hairstyle is perfect for men going for a casual look.
Classic Gelled Hairstyle
For men unsure of how to style their hair, when in doubt just keep it simple and use plenty of gel. No, it’s not the boldest or inventive thing you could do, but it’ll get the job done, which is what’s important, right?
Long Bangs
Bangs are coming back, not that they ever disappeared completely, and more and more people are getting away with long bangs. It may be a little annoying to constantly be pushing hair away from your eyes in order to see clearly, but once you see how you look with long bangs, you’ll know that it’s worth it.
Lady Fro
Women don’t have to be afraid to let their hair out in a fro. Most who have the kind of hair that can do that are able to pull it off without a problem. Obviously, if you don’t have the right type of hair for it, you don’t want to force. But as they say, “if you got it, flaunt it.” This applies to fro hairstyles, obviously.
Shoulder Length with Texture
Standing out from the crowd with shoulder-length hair isn’t always the easiest thing to do. The solution can be adding a little life and texture to your hair. It doesn’t take a lot, just let your hair live a little and break free from the straight-and-narrow.
Long and Shiny
There are tons of products out there claiming that they help give you shiny hair, so give one of them try and see how it works. It sounds simple enough, but believe me when I say that no one is going to hate on the girl with long and shiny hair.
Cool Girl Shag
Okay, so part of this hairstyle is having the personality to carry it, but if you can handle that, the shag is a great choice. The best part about this style is it can work on just about any type of hair, so whether you’re curly or straight, short or long, you have a chance to pull off the cool-girl shag.
Choppy Bob
Think of this style is an old-fashioned bob cut but with a little more fire and personality. Imagine someone with a bob cut that got really angry for a few seconds, freaked out, and just ravaged her own locks. That’s essentially the choppy bob, and if you consider yourself to be a tough girl, it just may be the style for you.
Super Curl
If you want curls, you might as well commit to the look and go all the way with super curls. It may take a while to make sure every single strand is curled to perfection, but sometimes it’s either go big or go home.
Surf Rock Crop
Whether you surf or not should have no bearing on your decision to get this hairstyle or not. Obviously, it’s going to look great at the beach, especially when the wind gets blowing. But it’s also a hairstyle that can work wherever you go, both casual and formal occasions.
Sleek Blunt
This style isn’t all that dissimilar from the classic bob cut, but the difference here is that the hair is sleek, thin, and a lot easier to push back behind your ears. This style is a little better for women with shiny, blonde hair.
Medium Ponytail
Similar to a regular ponytail just a little higher up, which makes a significant difference. With this style, your hair won’t hang so low in the back and people looking at you face-to-face can tell that something interesting is going on in the back without being completely sure what.
Highlighted French Braid
How do you improve upon French braids even more? Just add a little more color, duh. Seriously, with highlights, you can make your French braids stand out even more, which is saying something.
Long Side Curls
Let’s be honest, long curls hanging down side is the epitome of class and elegance. It’s not the easier style to get right, but pull it off, and wow!
Side Ponytail
If you want to send the message that you’re cool and care-free, sport a side ponytail. No, it’s not a bold and ambitious hairstyle; it just looks great and sends the message that you’re here to enjoy life.
Open Hair Braid
This about as bold as it gets in terms of putting braids in your hair. There’s some risk here because your open-hair braid may not mesh with everything else you have going on, but it can be a rather interesting hairstyle to rock at times.
Chic Brunette Bun
Okay, no one’s saying blondes or redheads can’t pull off this bun, it’s just a little easier when you’re a brunette. I can’t explain it, there’s just something about brunettes and buns, it just works.
Mohawk Braid
Okay, it would definitely be tough to get away with this hairstyle outside of Europe. Come on, you know what I mean. Anyway, it’s certainly a unique way to utilize braids and is nothing if not a bold hair statement.
Edgy Bangs Pixie
Okay, so the pixie haircut is nice, but if you want to send the message that you have an edge and a little bit of a wild side, this is the look you want. With this style, you’re just throwing away all inhibition when it comes to your bangs, and that can be a good thing.
Bob Cut

Short Pixie

Low Ponytail with Parted Hair

Jasmine Ponytail

Twisted Braids

Braided Updo

The Beehive

Messy Updo

Loose Curls

Mid Length Waves

Shaved Sides

Thick and Wavy

European Slick

European Combed Over

European Spiky

The Lob

Layered Locks

Sleek and Straight

Bed Head Hair

Fringed Hair



Taper Fade

Wavy Combover

Drop Fade with Messy Spike

Curly Fringe

Disheveled Brush-Up

Classic Gelled Hairstyle

Long Bangs

Lady Fro

Shoulder Length with Texture

Long and Shiny

Cool Girl Shag

Choppy Bob

Super Curl

Surf Rock Crop

Sleek Blunt

Medium Ponytail

Highlighted French Braid

Long Side Curls

Side Ponytail

Open Hair Braid

Chic Brunette Bun

Mohawk Braid

Edgy Bangs Pixie